Postagens populares

sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2013

Mother Gaya

Mother Gaya,
Beautiful Maiden older than mankind
You have seen us evolve for too long,
It’s unbelievable that you are so strong,
You survived all the wounds that were inflicted
By your only children that are power - addicted.

Mother Gaya,
Wonderful queen dressed in green
With brown hair that smells like leaves,
Your beautiful eyes were stolen by the thieves
That used them to achieve greatness and wealth
Even if they were to risk their  health.

Mother Gaya,
You are the Muse and the Star
In a story with so many evil twists,
You were tied down by your wrists
While your skin became dirty and filthy
By the blood from the innocent and the greedy.

Mother Gaya,
Once you were adored with solemn rituals
Those were meant to ask for annual protection,
People presented you with gifts of affection
And respected the creatures that were sacred
But now these creatures fall under the hatred.

Mother Gaya,
You always cared about us, your children
But we take so much without given instead,
We ignored all the tears that you’ve shed,
Always wanting to stand proud and tall,
We decided that we could take it all.

Mother Gaya,
So many wounds we inflicted in you
Still you didn’t punish us as we deserved,
However the cold dish of punishment was served,
All the pain was caused by us alone
Because our hearts became made of stone.

Mother Gaya,
Once the beating of your heart was heard
And now it’s as silent as your voice,
We could have made a different choice
But it seems that we will never learn
That we must work hard to decently earn.

Mother Gaya,
Your beauty is still breathtaking and true
Although you are now covered in dust,
Your purity was tainted by our wicked lust
And now the animals are paying a high price
And the plants are cracking under thin ice.

Mother Gaya,
You don’t need us to survive
It’s we who need you constantly
But we are just too blind to see,
Arrogance has caused us too many tragedies
But still we struggle to live like deities

Mother Gaya,
So powerful and imposing you are,
Your waters are pure and crystal clear
Your trees are ancient sentinels, standing near,
Your mountains are giants that reach the skies,
Your fields are heaven when kissed by fireflies.

Mother Gaya,
Forgive us for we have sinned,
We pushed too hard to easily succeed
And took more than we would need,
We have doomed all living creatures to extinction
And now we whine about our selfish affliction.

Mother Gaya,
You are a sanctuary and a home,
A benevolent matriarch that should be respected,
Above all you should we cherished and protected
Let me humbly fall on my knees before you
And tell you sincerely that I love you too.