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terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012


Crystal Night, Lonely times...

Crystal night,
Lonely times,
Crying under the moonlight,
A reflection catches the purity
Of the moon glowing quietly.
Here I stand
As silent as dead,
The sky is my land,
Soothing my pain with love,
Sending sacred blessings from above.
Why does everything end?
Becoming nothing but dust?
It's hard to understand
That those flowers will wither,
And their sweet scent will become bitter.
Sad lullaby,
Made by the weeping Nature,
Every night the moon will cry,
As she has to die once again,
Only a pale memory will remain.
My dear Lord,
Don't want to fall asleep,
Just won't say a word,
I'll just cry with the moon,
For she will die soon.